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Last updated: 
17/12/2018 - 10:17
4m European Solar Telescope (EST) 5G/6G cellular networks accesible information Action Recognition and Anticipation adaptive AI Additive Manufacturing Agent Based Modeling agri-food systems agricultural and forest machinery and mechanization agriculture agriculture 4.0 agriculture; transfer of knowledge and technologies; cooperation network; rural development; sustainable management of natural resources agronomy AI Allergy ALS alternative material alzheimer's disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis annual species antibiotic resistance antifungals antimicrobial alternative strategies antimicrobials antivirals apprenticeships artificial intelligence Artificial Intelligence in Industry Asset Recovery Offices Astrophysics atherosclerosis augmented reality aurantifolii autoantibodies Autoimmunity automotive autophagy avionics bacteriology battery recycling big data biochemistry biocides biodiversity bioeconomy bioenergy biomarker biomass biomass production biomaterials biotechnology blue-green infrastructures botanicals brain Brassica breast cancer Breast Cancer. breeding Building business model for intermodality transport development byproducts cancer cardiology cardiovascular diseases caregiver elderly people carnosine Celle solari tandem Cell signaling Cell signalling challenging pathogens chemical industry chemistry chemotherapy child-centered approach childhood children and adolescents China chronic wounds cibo Circular economy Circulating cell-free ribonucleic acid citizen citrus cleansing product climate change clinical knowledge clinical studies clinical trial Coastal protection colorectal cancer community-based design composite materials computational methods computer vision comunication Confiscation conflict Conservation contrast to caporalato; irregular employment; awareness raising; networking cooperation cost analysis cow-calf relationship – organic animal production – milk production crisis crop wild relatives Crosstalk cultural heritage data data mining defence deliberative democracy Democratic Republic of the Congo detection developmental neurobiology diabetes diagnosis diagnostic system didactics dieta salutare Digital Humanities disease Disease Trajectories Dissemination diversification Diversity dolore cronico primario Dopamine/Dysbindin interaction doxorubicin drowsiness drug resistance Early Childhood Education and Care early diagnosis early warning Early Warning score Earth Climate earthquake easy to read language eco friendly economy ecophysiology education Egocentric Vision Egypt electronic measurements Electronics laboratory enabling technologies Endocrinology energia solare Energy Energy efficiency engineering environment erosion european solar telescope exchange farming fertiliser fertility financial first person vision flash flooding food food safety food system Forestry forestry competitiveness Forfeiture formulates Fotovoltaico fragility index from Edge to Exascale AI fruitculture fruition Functional biodiversity aboveground-belowground; natural derived compounds; natural antagonists; root symbionts; pollinators; intercropping; bordercropping; circular production fungal disease fuscans fusion energy GaN genebank gene encoding genetically modified organisms genetic resources genomic instability genomics geology germoplasm Global and transnational governance globalisation green-aware AI green building Growth Health Health care health management healthy diet high-capacity fixed networks high education high quality AI home healthcare Hormones horticulture Huanglongbing disease Human-centered AI human life human rights human trafficking hyaluronic acid hydraulic hyperbolic and kinetic equations ICT ideology IGF-I receptor imaging Inclusivity India Industrial motor drive industry infectious diseases Inflammation innovation innovative accumulators innovative vehicles insects Insect vector institution Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and/or receptors Insulin-like Growth factor IGF and or receptors insulin receptor integrated electronic circuits Integrated pest management integrative AI Integrative Genomics Intensive Rehabilitation interculturality interethnic relations international law international mobility international relation internet of things Kant Knowledge Base And Sample Sustainability knowoledge lab-on-chip learning Legal Persons liquid biopsy livestock local area networks logistics low literacy skills machine Learning Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnetism management Management of assets mantle cell lymhoma Maputo marine biology maritime transport market mathematics Medical Warning medicine Mediterranean diet Mediterranean environment mediterraneo mental handicap messenger RNA metabolic diseases metal ions metallurgy and metallurgical engineering methane Micro and nano technologies microbials Micromobility development microorganism characterization. micro RNA microscopia migrants migration mitochondria modeling modelling molecular diagnostic molecular recognition molecular sensing Monitoring Morocco Mozambique multi-messengers municipal waste museum Mutual recognition Mutual trust Myeloma; Microenvironment; Immuno-editing; Immunosuppression and/or suppressor cells; Immunotherapy nanodelivery Natura2000 network neuro-infiammazione neuroimaging and computational neuroscience neuropharmacology Neutrinos new courses new drugs discovery new eco-friendly new programs nitric oxide nucleic acid testing numerical analysis numerical modelling numerical simulation nutrition nutrizione obesity Object Interaction Recognition and Anticipation On- board charger One-health perspective Open science organic farming organic waste Ossidi Trasparenti Conduttivi osteoarticular pathology Packaging Parkinson’s disease partial differential equations PEA-OXA Perovskite personalized medicine pervasive AI pest pharmacology photodetectors Photovoltaic inverter phytophthora pistachio Plant biology plant breeding Plant disease plant pathogens plant production plasmonic-based device plastic PNRR polymers and plastics pomegranate population Population reinforcement Posidonia Oceanica Post-harvest diseases postharvest technologies Power conversion power plant Power Semiconductors pragmatics pre-schools teachers/educators precision agriculture precision medicine preclinical Predictive Modeling Proceeds of crime professional development prognosis prostate cancer proteasome psychiatry Public Engagement Radiation radiomica radioterapia railway rare diseases rationality recovery refugee religious Replanting resilience resilient AI resistance resources restoration rett syndrome reuse rhetoric risk evaluation RNA RNA-based therapeutics Robustness Route2Innovation rural heritage rutaceous safe driving satellite networks school schools scientific computing sea security Seed banks Semantic web Senegal sequestring shelf-life shelf life SIC Signal transduction inhibitors silicon photomultiplayer silicon photomultipliers Single-Cell Data sistema endocannabinoide skin ulcer small RNA Smart Agriculture smart driving smart hydrogel Smart Mobility smart packaging snapshot social enterprises social inclusion Social Reuse social sciences SOD1G93A soil solar physics sostenibilità South America Space Weather staff Stratification strumenti digitali; pratiche didattiche flessibili student submarine Sun supercapacitors sustainability sustainable agriculture sustainable bio-socio-cognitive AI Sustainable materials Sustainable science Symbiotic AI System Reliability Systems thunkin teaching telecommunications telemedicine telescope Telescopes testicular germ cell tumour Threatened native plants Ties with industry tomato tourism training Transnational European support treatment trial Tsunami Tuberculosis tumor tumor-immune microenvironment tumori Tyrosine kinase receptors (TKR) and/or inhibitors ubiquitin universal immune system simulator use public-private partnership VDAC1 vehicle retrofitting Virtual Biosensor volatiles war waste wastewater water Wearable Vision welfare xanthomonas citri