University of Catania
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Enhancing Education Programs in Arts and Humanities via EU STEM Methods and Technologies
international cooperation
Erasmus Plus - KA2 Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education
Main ERC field: 
Social Sciences and Humanities
Unict role: 
Duration (months): 
Start date: 
Friday, January 15, 2021
End date: 
Sunday, January 14, 2024
Total cost: 
€ 869.195,00
Unict cost: 
€ 47.000,00
University of Cologne
Principal investigator in Unict: 
Prof.ssa Cettina Santagati
University department involved: 
Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture

University of Cologne, Germany (Coordinator); Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus); University of Catania (Italy); University of the Peloponnese (Greece); Perm State University (Russia); Russian State University for the Humanities (Russia); Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Russia); Tuvan State University (Russia); Mongolian University of Science & Technology (Mongolia); National University of Mongolia (Mongolia); The University of the Humanities (Mongolia); International Hellenic University (Greece)


The project involves universities from Europe and Asia (Russia and Mongolia) to develop a Digital Humanities study programme for Cultural Heritage. This aim comes from the increasing demand for truly qualified professionals in Arts and Culture to deal with the Digital Age challenges.

The objectives to be pursued are:

  • the development of an innovative didactic methodology based on the research methods of the humanities, digital humanities, STEM;
  • the training of teaching staff to acquire the proposed new methodology;
  • the development and launch of a new MSc programme with international exchange opportunities in PC HEIs;
  • the creation of a Digital Lab brings together postgraduate students in international projects to preserve and promote cultural heritage.