University of Catania
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Formazione Opportunità e Risorse per Migranti in Agricoltura
national research
National Funding Opportunities
Bando FAMI 2014-2020 Obiettivo Specifico 2 Integrazione/Migrazione legale - Obiettivo Nazionale 2 - Integrazione - lettera i - ter interventi di integrazione socio lavorativa per prevenire e contrastare il caporalato - Autorità Delegata - Caporalato
Main ERC field: 
Social Sciences and Humanities
Unict role: 
Duration (months): 
Start date: 
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
End date: 
Friday, December 31, 2021
Total cost: 
€ 1.843.459,25
Unict cost: 
€ 33.036,25
Consorzio Kairos s.c.s. (TO)
Principal investigator in Unict: 
Maurizio Avola
University department involved: 
Department of Political and Social Sciences

Liberitutti - Società Cooperativa Sociale S.p.a; Kairos Mestieri; MIGRAZIONI S.C.S. – Impresa Sociale; LA SORGENTE s.c.s.; Iscos Marche Onlus; Jobel Soc. Coop. Soc. ONLUS; Unione Coltivatori Italiani - U.C.I.; Unione dei Comuni delle Valli Argentina e Armea; Società Cooperativa Sociale NAZARETH IMPRESA SOCIALE; Patronato Acli; Comune di Triora; Comune di Cremona; ANOLF LECCO; Comune di Dronero;Fondazione Xenagos; Comune di Racconigi; C.F.L.C Consorzio Formazione Lavoro e Cooperazione Soc. Coop.; Consorzio per la formazione professionale e per l'educazione permanente; Emmanuele società cooperativa; Università degli Studi di Palermo –Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Forestali;


This project aims to raise public awareness of the issue related to irregular employment of foreign-born people working for the agricultural sector and legally staying in the country. To that end, relationship building with beneficiaries and information are absolutely key alongside educational pathways, work placement and community-based programmes. Public awareness is raised through social action and resource sharing involving citizens as well as local stakeholders in the implementation of sustainable practices in the medium to long term future. The project is based on capacity building which emphasises and promotes the acquisition of skills to be used and devoted to the workplace and the local community. The fight against irregular employment can be won through public awareness and social action. Here networking comes as a key asset too for us seeking to design and implement as well as test and verify the efficiency and the effectiveness of our intervention model.

Outputs: Project reports, resources used for the implementation and the documentation of key actions.

Results: the emergence of irregular employment from the shadow economy, work placement and development of good practices.

Expected impact: greater awareness and better quality of employment service to foreign-born workers in agriculture.