University of Catania
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Sviluppo di tecnologie e sistemi avanzati per la sicurezza dell'auto mediante piattaforme ADAS- ADAS+
national research
PON Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020
Avviso per la presentazione di progetti di ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale nelle 12 aree di specializzazione individuate dal PNR 2015-2020 (D.D. n. 1735 del 13/07/2017)
Main ERC field: 
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Unict role: 
Duration (months): 
Start date: 
Friday, June 1, 2018
End date: 
Monday, November 30, 2020
Total cost: 
€ 9.110.200,40
Unict cost: 
€ 1.608.000,00
ST Microelectronics s.r.l.
Principal investigator in Unict: 
Sebastiano Battiato
University department involved: 
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences

IUNET Consorzio nazionale interuniversitario per la nanoelettronica; Distretto Tecnologico Sicilia Micro e Nano Sistemi; Innovaal s.c.a.r.l.; INSTM Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e la Tecnologia dei Materiali; MTA s.p.a.; Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" di Chieti-Pescara


The ADAS + project aims to develop an innovative demonstrator of safe driving assistance (ADAS +) able to monitor, in a timely and continuous manner, both the psycho-physical level of the driver himself and his state of intoxication and air quality the cabin. This will be possible through the use of silicon technologies, advanced image processing algorithms and nano-structured materials integrated into a common platform that meets the safe driving standards required for the new generation "smart" cars. This objective will be pursued through the development and integration of three advanced prototype technology modules, based on innovative technological platforms, such as: Fisio Module, consisting of silicon miniaturized optical probes based on SiPM (silicon photomultiplayer) technologies integrated into the steering and capable of monitor the attention level (drowsiness) of the driver, through the continuous control of the rhythm of the heart beat and its variability. Vision module, consisting of (a) visible light microchips and (b) IR light cameras to detect signs of tiredness or irritability, (c) Silicon Radar / Lidar devices for the detection of obstacles external to the passenger compartment.