Università di Catania
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Incoming ICM



Unict has been financed by the E+ project – KA171 to host students coming from partner universities. Students must be selected by their home institution and can stay at UNICT for a period of three months (min/max) for study and minimum two months up to three months for traineeship (as established by the inter-institutional agreement). The grant amount is equal to 850 euro/month plus a travel contribution of EUR 275 calculated according to the unit costs for travel distances. 


Incoming students must fulfil UNICT webform before the arrival.

Documents to be uploaded in the webform are:

It is mandatory to read the guidelines provided here in order to hold all the documents and requirements asked by UNICT.



In the framework of the ICM, staff coming from partner universities can carry on their mobility for teaching and/or training purposes. Grants will be awarded to academic and administrative staff doing at least 5 days up to 2 months of mobility. Academics are required to do at least 8 hours of teaching activities per week.

The grant amount for incoming staff is equal to 160 euro/day (individual support) plus a travel contribution of EUR 275 (calculated according to the unit costs for travel distances).


Incoming staff, both academics and administrative, must fulfil UNICT webform before the arrival.

Documents to be uploaded in the webform are:

Read the guidelines provided here for staff mobility.

Staff and student selection

Sending institutions are responsible for selecting their outgoing students and staff through fair and transparent procedures. Students selection is made on the basis of the academic merit, language knowledge, motivation and compliance of the learning agreement.

Academic and Administrative Staff does not need to undergo a formal selection procedure but he/she must follow procedures as described in the relevant section in the guidelines (Section STAFF MOBILITY)

Ultima modifica: 
22/04/2024 - 17:47