Comune di Catania- ETNA HITECH s.c.p.a.- Ingegneria Costruzioni Colombrita s.r.l.- L. & R. Laboratori e Ricerche s.r.l.- Meridionale Impianti s.p.a.- N.T.E.T. s.p.a.- TME s.r.l.- Università KORE di Enna
Italy is one of the countries with the greatest concentration of archeological, historical, artistic and monumental assets. The architectural fragility, the climatic changes, the hydrogeological and seismic hazards make for continuous efforts to recover and secure this heritage, which is the peculiarity and the value of the national historic landscape. eWAS aims to develop new technologies for the protection, conservation and safety of the historic-monumental buildings, museums, art objects and archeological areas, contributing to strategic planning for a better prevention and cultural heritage management. In particular, we propose a Smart-Wireless and ICT monitoring system model in order to trigger warnings at different levels of alarm based on the information derived from terrestrial and satellite sensors integrated with accurate assessments on the structural features, vulnerability of the asset associated with various natural and environmental hazards. Data collected by continuous monitoring under operating conditions will enable real-time activation of automatic risk mitigation actions and systems in relation to the degree of exposure of the asset. As the test site, the old town of Catania and some archaeological areas of eastern Sicily, whose tourism and cultural enjoyment is subject to exponential growth, have been chosen. The multidisciplinary research involves the integrated development of various scientific skills. A key role is entrusted to the implementation of a low cost monitoring and control platform that integrates the land-based and satellite measurement systems with advanced analysis methods for the simultaneous processing of different data (data fusion) and ICT technologies, aimed to the safeguarding and structural security of cultural heritage. eWAS, based on the "best available technologies", is both original and innovative and, in fact, there is no a multi-parameter sensory system and, above all, an Early Warning for the security and prevention and timely action, in case of natural disasters. Its success would be a turning point in safeguarding cultural heritage.