University of Catania
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Building Construction and Architectural Engineering

Academic Year: 
Degree Level: 
Single-Cycle Master's Degree
Teaching Facility: 
Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Access Requirements: 
Nationally scheduled
Italian Classification: 
LM-4 Architettura e ingegneria edile-architettura
Teaching Languages: 

Course Overview

The degree course in Building and Architecture Engineering has the training objective of introducing into the labor market the professional figure of the construction project engineer, which, through his interdisciplinary preparation, is able to identify problems and to seek appropriate design solutions, keeping up with the innovative dynamics of the sector to improve overall building quality. The multidisciplinary nature of the educational offer allows the building and architecture engineer to face current problems, guaranteeing the possibility of updating.

The training course envisaged for the figure of building and architecture engineer combines the training of an engineer with that of an architect through a rich series of disciplinary courses articulated on four significant and diversified learning periods. The first period is propaedeutic and includes the basic teachings of engineering and architectural culture. The second period is characterized by first project synthesis activities based on the knowledge and skills of the students, and it is realized through the elaboration of integrated and complete projects. The third period is dedicated to cultural enrichment through the study of specialized and advanced disciplines that conclude learning and professional and cultural training. The last period is intended both for the completion of the professional skills and for the final synthesis activity which consists in the elaboration of the thesis for the final exam.

The thesis is usually constituted by an architectural project developed in all its parts and by a series of disciplinary investigations on one or more of the fundamental aspects of the building construction.

Educational Goals

The degree course in Building and Architecture Engineering has the training objective of introducing into the labor market the professional figure of the construction project engineer. Through his interdisciplinary preparation, this professional figure is able to identify problems and to seek appropriate design solutions, keeping up with the innovative dynamics of the sector, to improve overall building quality in its physical, technical, aesthetic, performance, procedural and economic value.

The building and architecture engineer deals with the design (in all stages, from preliminary studies up to the executive ones), construction and operation of building works. To achieve this goals, the training of the building and architecture engineer is based on solid foundations of mathematics, physics and technical physics, design, history of architecture, information technology and covers all the sectors that characterize building and architecture engineering as technical architecture, architectural composition, restoration, construction science and technique, geotechnics, building production, technical and urban planning, building estimates, urban law, sociology and economics. Other basic disciplines of traditional engineering (hydraulics and hydraulic construction, chemistry, materials technology) complete the training.

The multidisciplinary nature of the educational offer makes the building and architecture engineer a professional figure able to face current problems, guaranteeing him the possibility of updating.

The training course envisaged for the figure of a building and architecture engineer combines the training of an engineer with that one of an architect through a rich series of disciplinary courses articulated on four significant and diversified learning periods.

The first period is propaedeutic and includes the basic teachings of both engineering (mathematics, geometry, physics, computer science) and architecture (design and architectural survey, history of architecture, first elements of architectural composition, technical architecture, etc.). Being the whole course of study aimed at training in architectural design, the teachings are, for the most part and where possible and useful, conducted in addition to the theoretical and methodological content, including the application aspects, through laboratories, in which students develop all the necessary skills of understanding, application and communication.

The second period, in the third year of the course, is characterized by the first integrated project synthesis activities based on the knowledge and skills acquired by the students; in fact, a very important didactic moment is foreseen, anticipating a part of the final synthesis laboratory (with the relative credits) with the elaboration of integrated and complete projects.

The third period is dedicated to cultural enrichment through the study of specialized and advanced disciplines that conclude the technical-professional and cultural-critical learning and training, preparing the students to face the fourth and last period.

The fourth period is intended for the completion of the professional preparation according to specific objectives and cultural choices of each student (through the optional courses, all identified in coherence with the general formative model), and to the final synthesis activity that consists in the elaboration of the thesis for the final test.

The thesis is usually constituted by an architectural project developed in all its parts and by a series of disciplinary investigations on one or more of the fundamental aspects of the building construction.

Job Opportunities

  • Building and environmental engineer
  • Architects
  • Planners, landscapers and specialists in the recovery and conservation of the territory