History, Politics and International Relations
Course Overview
The degree course in "History, Politics and International Relations" provides advanced knowledge about the characteristics of contemporary societies, the organization of states and the international system.
The multidisciplinary training offered allows its graduates to face successfully the always-changing request of new professional profiles. Therefore this increases their opportunities to be placed within the job market.
By the end of the training course, students will be able to enroll in MA programmes and/or to realize their own professional vocation coherently with the training course.
Educational Goals
The degree course in "History, Politics and International Relations" aims to train graduates able to evaluate and manage the complex dynamics that characterize contemporary institutional, economic and social systems, with particular reference to processes of political participation and the protection of fundamental rights.
The course aims to provide basic knowledge and methodologies relating to legal, political, sociological, historical and economic analysis. Special attention is dedicated to the study of the European Union and international organizations.
Traditional teaching methods (lectures) are provided, in conjunction with seminars and specialist visits, which give students the opportunity to meet scholars and protagonists of international relations and cooperation, and those involved in the running of national and international institutions.
The course includes conventions with prestigious universities within Europe and beyond, for exchange or study experiences abroad.
Students are also required to undertake internships in institutions and organizations active in the field of international relations.
Graduates of the course will have access to advanced training courses in the political and social sciences (second level degree courses or masters programmes).
Job Opportunities
In an employment context in continuous and rapid evolution, the multidisciplinary approach of the course enables graduates to meet the demand for new professional skills, and thus gives them strong possibilities of finding work.
Specifically, the graduate will be able to exercise roles of consultation, analysis and planning, in public or private organisations dealing with international relations, human rights, cooperation for development, the rights of minors, civil defence and personal services.