Università di Catania
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UNICORE 5.0 - Call for applications for 2 study grants for refugee students (Niger, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Kenya) for admission to English taught master’s degrees 2023-24


Informazioni generali

Anno accademico: 
Decreto di emanazione:
Data di pubblicazione: 
Lunedì, 3 Aprile 2023

Assessment of foreign qualification and interview

Corsi di studio

Nome del corsoClasseStruttura didattica di riferimento
PhysicsLM 17Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia
Chemical Engineering for Industrial SustainabilityLM 22Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile e architettura
Automation Engineering and Control of Complex SystemsLM 25Dipartimento di Ingegneria elettrica, elettronica e informatica
Communications EngineeringLM 27Dipartimento di Ingegneria elettrica, elettronica e informatica
Electrical Engineering for Sustainable Green Energy TransitionLM 28Dipartimento di Ingegneria elettrica, elettronica e informatica
Global Politcs and Euromediterranean RelationsLM 62Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Requisiti di ammissione

Application is open only to candidates who meet the following requirements:

  1. Are residing in Niger, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Uganda and Kenya and have been recognized refugee status in these countries;
  2. Hold a qualification valid for admission to the chosen Second Cycle Degree Programme. The qualification must have been issued by a higher education institution accredited in the higher education system of the Country where the degree has been issued;
  3. The qualification must as well consent the access to a second level degree course in the country of issuance;
  4. Hold a qualification not being obtained before 2018 and by 31.07.2023;
  5. Have a GPA (Grade point average) of at least 3.0 corresponding to, at least, 24/30 – referred to the Italian System. For the conversion of the average to the Italian grading system it will be used the official conversion formula of the Italian Ministry of Education, as for Annex 2 of this call;
  6. Meet specific curricular requirements and, in accordance with the provisions established by Italian Ministerial Decree n. 270/2004, have an adequate educational background, for the program of interest, as further specified in each course information sheet provided in the Annexes;
  7. Not being previously registered in an academic study programme at University of Catania or at      any other Italian university member of UNICORE 5.0 consortium;
  8. Have  an adequate English language knowledge (B2 level).

Procedura di ammissione

Modulo di iscrizione: 


Candidates have to send the duly signed application form attached to this call, along with the mandatory documents listed in paragraph 4.2 of the call.

Candidates can apply for

  • one master’s degree only held at University of Catania

no more than two universities that are partners in the project UNICORE 5.0: if two universities are selected, candidates will have to present a different admission requests to each University and must indicate the order of   priority

Calendario e sedi delle prove

Interviews will be scheduled online from 22 May to 7 July 2023.

Informazioni sulla prova

The selection process will be performed in two steps:

  • Step 1: assessment of CV and documents concerning foreign qualification
  • Step 2: online interview

The admission board will evaluate documents according to the following criteria:

  • Academic background and GPA (score range: 0-15)
  • Curriculum Vitae: evaluation of personal skills and professional experience (score range: 0-15)
  • Coherence between previous studies and selected Master’s Degree (score range: 0-10)

The maximum score assigned in the first step will be 40 points.

At the end of Step 1 two provisional rankings will be published, according to the gender of the candidates, and only the first 3 candidates of each ranking will be admitted to Step 2 (online interview). In the case that one of the lists of eligible candidates does not include enough representatives it will be possible to admit to Step 2 more than 3 representatives of the same gender up to the maximum of 6 candidates.

Candidates admitted to Step 2 will be interviewed by the admission board, who will evaluate their academic and technical skills, competence on the subject as well as their mastering of the English language.

Interviews will be graded on a scale of 40 points

Domanda di ammissione

Applications must be sent via email to unicore@unict.it from 3rd April 2023 to 19th May (noon, UTC+1).

The email must have as its object: UNICORE 5.0 - name and surname of the candidate

Applications will not be accepted if they are incomplete and / or are sent without the required documents and / or are received after the deadline.