University of Catania
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Smart Cities

Computational Complex Systems - The Jacob T. Schwartz International School for Scientific Research
July 27 - August 2, 2014, Lipari Island

The Lipari School on Computational Complex Systems is organized by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Catania.

The 2014 edition addresses Ph.D. students, junior and senior researchers to the forefront of research activity on data mining and computational models for the analysis, modeling and understanding smart cities. Recognized authorities in the field will give formal lectures tailoring these for an interdisciplinary audience. Participants will also have the opportunity to present the results of their research during a short communication session.

Luis Bettencourt (Santa Fe Institute, USA)
Alexei Pozdnoukhov (National Centre for Geocomputation, Ireland)
Michael Batty (The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, UK)

Guest Speakers:
Santo Fortunato (Citation dynamics: characterization, modelling and impact on science
Aalto University, Finland)
Dirk Helbing (Towards self-regulating, resilient systemsETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Short Communication Session: Accepted participants may submit an abstract to present their research activity. The abstract should be submitted before 30 May 2014.

Deadline for application:  April 30, 2014 (admission notification will start on March 1st according to registration time). Applicants must include a short curriculum vitae and specify two professors whom letters of recommendation will be asked to, if deemed necessary. Applicants will be notified about admission by May 10, 2014. The official language is English. Tel: +39 095 7383071. E-mail:

School Directors

  • Prof. Alfredo Ferro (University of Catania)
  • Prof. Dirk Helbing (ETH Zurich)
  • Prof. Andrea Rapisarda (University of Catania)
  • Prof. Santo Fortunato (Aalto University)
  • Dr. Rosalba Giugno (co-director, University of Catania)
  • Dr. Alessandro Pluchino (co-director, University of Catania)
  • Dr. Alfredo Pulvirenti (co-director, University of Catania)