University of Catania
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Chemical Sciences

The Department of Chemical Sciences provides the opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to obtain a thorough knowledge of all fields of chemistry. There are lecture courses in the areas of inorganic, organic, physical, analytical and biophysical chemistry. Moreover, the Department of Chemical Science conducts both fundamental and applied research using experimental, theoretical, and computational approaches. The great number of international collaborations and industrial partnership testifies recognition of the research performed in the Department.

Didactics: The Department of Chemical Sciences provides undergraduate courses in Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry. Graduate courses are also available in Organic Chemistry, Material Science, Biomolecular Chemistry, as well as PhD in Chemistry.
Research Activity: Specific areas of research include: Aqueous chemistry, biophysical chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, catalysis, chemistry of natural products, environmental chemistry, food chemistry, materials chemistry, modeling and simulations, nano-chemistry, organic and inorganic syntheses, separations chemistry, soft materials, supramolecular chemistry, surface and interfacial chemistry, synthesis and characterization of polymers, theoretical chemistry.


Città Universitaria | Viale Andrea Doria, 6 | I-95125, Catania

Last updated: 
06/07/2018 - 10:59